Los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia, tus hermanos, te acompañamos en la preciosa tarea de hacer de tu vida una apuesta por Cristo y sus preferidos.

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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta #vocación #safahermanos #serhermano #provocaciónsafa #vocation #brotherforever. Mostrar todas las entradas



Leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. (Matt 5:24)

        Peace can mean a state of calm. Peace can also describe the emotional state in oneself. Peace can also be interpreted as harmony in natural life between humans. Prosperity is living together among all of God's creations. Measuring more about peace, means we are talking about relationships. But sometimes, we need to have different opinions or it can be said that humans need conflict, then what is required here is our wisdom in dealing with the conflict so that later, humans can recognize what peace means. As stated in the passage in Matthew 5:24, go first to be reconciled to your brother. If we look back, the sacred sentence can't be suddenly revealed if no conflict started it. Complementing the idea, we are left to relate. 

        Relationships are the power or soul of life itself. With it, humans can grow and develop in life, not only in their individual lives but also in the maturity of their relationships with fellow creatures. In creating the power of relations, the values of life, namely morality, and manners, also grow in interpersonal relationships. There is joy and confidence, in maintaining peace too, we can find hope that can lift the soul. However, whether we realize it or not, relationships often become murky and gloomy. This is caused by our unsightly movements, which we may think are good, but people's views from every aspect of life are not well established. 

        In fostering peace, humans may not be skilled at speaking and behaving towards others. This is simply because of a sense of self-centeredness wrapped in arrogance. Jesus, Teacher, and Lord have great advice. 'Release all prayers! leave alms and offerings on the altar, make peace with your neighbor first! Therefore, as the greatest of God's creatures, we should at least imitate Jesus as our teacher and Lord, who in every encounter with disciples or with those who need His helping hand, the sentence that opens His encounter is, "Peace be with you. " 

        The same peace is also reflected in the life of the holy family of Nazareth, (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph). They do all activities with tremendous responsibility, with the thought that, everything is a gift from God. Therefore, in living the spirituality of Nazareth, the brothers of the Holy Family of Nazareth, adhere to the principle that "everything belongs to all". With this mindset, the brothers of the holy family of Nazareth are motivated to always put forward an attitude of selfless love, which results in endless peace. As the life of the holy family of Nazareth, the Brothers always remember the advice contained in the constitution that "your brother is the most beautiful gift from God". Prayers, work, and love of peace has at least stuck in the hearts of the brothers. Ven. Br. Gabriel Taborin, apparently has thought of everything in his work of love, which, through deep reflection, chooses and determines, in the inclusion of the holy spirit, and the love of God the father and son Jesus Christ and Mother Mary, that all things must end in peace. 

"Go first to be reconciled to your brother, then come and follow me", meaning to follow Jesus consequently, we must release all our burdens with each other, both in words, in our actions in living together In line with the sentence above we want to say, go first to make peace with your brother because your brother is the most beautiful gift from God." 




In the Gospel, the main topic or what can summarize the message of the teaching of Christ could be Love. Love for God, love for one another. In fact, Christ loved the Father and has shown it by being obedient to him. The Spirit who is the Love of the Father and the Son has come to fulfil what Christ has initiated. We can see that the Most Holy Trinity is a community of Love.

The same Love could be seen in the Holy Family of Nazareth. It is there that the Son of God grew and learnt what love is and how love is. Mary was united to Joseph in Love and vice versa. They educated the infant Jesus in this Love. Remember, Love for God and Love for human being. Christ, at his turn, responded to that love by love. He loved his parents and has been obedient to them. This show us that obedient is a very sign of true Love.

Brother Gabriel, in various ways, taught to his Brothers to stay in love, love for God and love for others. He experienced the need of Love, from his family, where he could see his parents loving each other and loving their children, the neighborhood, the visitors etc.

That is why he chose the Holy Family as patron of his small community, the family where love was very experienced.

We too, as aspirants to become Brothers of the Holy Family should form ourselves to the life of Love.

And Love is described by the Apostle of the Gentiles, the one through whom the Gospel went to us, Saint Paul in his first Letter to the Corinthians.

Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. (1 Co 13:4-8)

Vengan y vean: Campo vocacional en Filipinas

Del 28 al 30 de mayo tuvo lugar en Lasang (Davao - Filipinas) un nuevo campamento vocacional. Con el título “Vengan y vean” se desarrollaron distintas actividades y dinámicas para presentar la figura del H. Gabriel, la misión de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia y otros temas. Todo ello con el objetivo de ayudar a un discernimiento sobre la vocación como llamada  del Señor. Participaron 6 jóvenes y la actividad fue coordinada por el Hermano Bosco.

Encuentro vocacional iberoamericano

En la mañana del día 1 de mayo de 2021, nos hemos reunido virtualmente por la plataforma Zoom 28 miembros de la Familia SaFa de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, España, Italia y Uruguay. Bajo el lema: “NOS SANTIFICAMOS COMO HERMANOS”, durante dos horas y media, hemos jugado al “tutti frutti”, hemos compartido experiencias sobre cómo vivimos la santidad en las relaciones fraternas en donde vivimos y desarrollamos nuestra misión, hemos hecho un momento de Lectio Divina sobre la llamada a los primeros discípulos, hemos compartido en pequeños grupos y hemos orado junto a María. Ha sido una experiencia gratificante y enriquecedora en medio de la diversidad de edades y la comunicación en español y portugués. Esperamos poder repetirla en el futuro. Mientras tanto continuamos reuniéndonos todos los viernes a las 4 de la tarde (hora de Colombia) en nuestra “Nazareada”. Os invitamos a ella a través del Facebook Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia (Colombia).