Los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia, tus hermanos, te acompañamos en la preciosa tarea de hacer de tu vida una apuesta por Cristo y sus preferidos.

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9th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"


Well, after these personal experiences of the characters... the key is to ask oneself... and who am I? 

In this story, in my story of salvation, who am I? What role am I playing? 

Who is giving me that role? My friends, my family, my partner, society... me? 

What role does God play in who I am? 

What character identifies me... what qualities/defects? 

What do I not want to have in the characters...? 

What is the attitude I would most like to have? 

How has my little heart been enlightened by these stories...? 

Where did it beat the strongest? 

In whom do I place my illusions, strength and hopes? 

Does God have a place in my important decisions or do I not even count on him because he is not relevant?


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