Los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia, tus hermanos, te acompañamos en la preciosa tarea de hacer de tu vida una apuesta por Cristo y sus preferidos.

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 If a human person loves another person, naturally that love causes the other person to wish to know him all the more. God is love and He expressed His love through His son Jesus Christ. Love for another is life giving. Bro. Gabriel experienced the Love of God from his childhood, through the loving parents and parish priest and more over he experienced the love of God in the Eucharist and meditating on the passion of our Lord. Bro. Gabriel showed this love for God through his mission. He always desired to experience the love of God by all his neighbors including children. He chose catechesis as a tool to prepare the life, a life in every aspect of the Christian life. Through catechesis, he helped the children to learn to know God personally in mind and heart level as possible. Bro. Gabriel even catechized the Brothers through his letters by mentioning them to live the spirit of simplicity and humility, loving the Brothers whom God put besides them, fraternal correction and mutual forgiveness etc... Fraternal love embraces all these attitudes.

“Fraternal correction is a concrete expression of true LOVE for the brothers” (Cont 108)

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