Los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia, tus hermanos, te acompañamos en la preciosa tarea de hacer de tu vida una apuesta por Cristo y sus preferidos.

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In the life of every human being needs understanding. In all circumstances of our life we experience the understanding with the people that we encounter. The best example for understanding we can find in LK 2:41-52. I found personally this is the best for understanding we can learn from Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Mary and Joseph understood that Jesus is also coming back to Nazareth with the relatives. When Mary and Joseph went to find Jesus they found Jesus in temple preaching and clarifying the doubts from the elders. There they have the dialogue. The very much understanding they had in their dialogue. Understanding is the virtue many of the people missing in family, friendship and relationship with each other. It is the important virtue practised by Holy Family in Nazareth.  We are invited to do in our life the virtue of understanding.

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