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Virtud Nazarena: Unión


Hablar de unión en nuestra Familia Sa-Fa, es hablar de una de las virtudes que caracterizan al “espíritu de familia” que anima nuestra espiritualidad.

Una espiritualidad inspirada en la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret y en la que la unión y la abnegación recíprocas eran el alma de las relaciones entre Jesús, María y José; así como las relaciones que tenían con Dios y cuyo origen está en la Trinidad divina.

“Este espíritu deriva de los lazos vitales que unían a los miembros de la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret y cuya fuente primera es la Santísima Trinidad”. (Constituciones de los Hermanos de la Sagrada Familia).

La unidad es la distinción en el estilo de relaciones en el corazón de la Trinidad: un solo Dios en tres personas. La Santísima Trinidad es el misterio de un amor interpersonal que deja emerger las diferencias y las integra en perfecta unidad.

El Hno. Gabriel dejó a sus Hermanos como testamento la consigna de “ser hermanos entre sí y con los demás”. Resumió esta convicción en la expresión “espíritu de cuerpo y familia” durante el retiro que presidió en 1864 lanzó un llamamiento a vivir la unidad y el amor recíproco en las comunidades.

“El espíritu de familia tiene un solo corazón y un alma sola; se aman y se ayudan mutuamente… comparten las atenciones recíprocas y una entrañable fraternidad unifica los espíritus y caracteres más diversos”.

Nazarene virtue: Work


One of the essential virtue in every life. No one can be ideal for daily needs. Every Human being must work for it.

Work has multiple dimensions:

1. Self-work.

2. Work for dear ones.

3. Social Work or work for society.

In the Holy Family of Nazareth Jesus, Mary and Joseph work for each other. Helping each other by their small works.

In the current situation everybody is running for money. No one likes to take care of others. Everyone works for luxurious life, in other words for a selfish way of life. In olden days "Work is Worship". Now "Work is Selfish".

Let us follow this virtue of work sincerely and not to be money making workers but society making workers. May the Holy Family be the force for everyone.


9th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"


Well, after these personal experiences of the characters... the key is to ask oneself... and who am I? 

In this story, in my story of salvation, who am I? What role am I playing? 

Who is giving me that role? My friends, my family, my partner, society... me? 

What role does God play in who I am? 

What character identifies me... what qualities/defects? 

What do I not want to have in the characters...? 

What is the attitude I would most like to have? 

How has my little heart been enlightened by these stories...? 

Where did it beat the strongest? 

In whom do I place my illusions, strength and hopes? 

Does God have a place in my important decisions or do I not even count on him because he is not relevant?


8th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"


I'm going to be honest, being a mother so soon was not in my plans, let alone being a mother in that way...because I would most likely be a single mother with all that implies. At times I felt ashamed... yes, it seems strange... but I was ashamed to wear the word made flesh (maybe you have felt the same way when you have said that you are a follower of my son).

It was all very particular, as much as it may seem now, the Angel was more of a scare than a joy... the scare he gave me... Buf! I was convinced that it was too big for me, and at some point I was thinking NO, and even after all that I thought it must have been something in my imagination. Living together as a family was so normal... that at some point I thought that it had been a dream, that nothing was real.

The first years were very hard, we moved several times... and well, what can I tell you about the hardness of the end... But if I am completely honest and taking stock... IT WAS WORTH IT, or as my son used to say, I was very FORTUNATE.

When I analyse nowadays I have to say that sometimes I wrinkle my brow a little saying... but... what do they think they are doing? My son, yes, he was God, but I was a normal person, a day-to-day person, going to the market, talking to my neighbours, helping my family at home...

I had the problems and the life of someone like you. It is true that I gave a YES that was not easy, but I am sure that you also have similar moments... hold on to them, to those difficult moments in which your answer was a YES. Don't be afraid... surrender and above all be faithful to your heart, fear is the tool to grow, any decision taken that does not involve a risk, in which we are not afraid... are usually easy and empty choices.

It is scary to go against the current, to go for the message, to become a Brother, to ask yourself what God is asking of me, to believe that God expects a lot from me because the one to whom God gave the talents has the obligation and the responsibility to put them at the service of God. I am Mary and I said yes even though I was afraid and unsure... and who are you?

How do you overcome your difficulties in discerning your vocation?

7th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"



Hi I'm Joseph, maybe you think I'm a bit of a prick in this whole story, maybe you don't know much about my story, and maybe you even see me as that enigmatic guy... Well the truth is that I considered repudiating María. Yes, I loved her, but... let's see, you have to understand... what could I do...

There was only one thing that could do more than the anger in my heart, and that was the shame of others knowing about it. Maybe right now you may think that I went a bit too far and that well... I wasn't all that nice to Maria... but haven't you felt ashamed in front of someone you love? Haven't you doubted your friends/family/partner? Can you tell me that you have not judged before knowing all the facts... or based on partial facts...?

Perhaps in this world of gossip, in which the corridors of the pastoral centres are like tabloids... or in which judging others has become an Olympic sport... or in which you watch programmes and "realitis" judging the miseries of others... or worse still, using them as a method of entertainment...

Yes, I judged Mary, I prejudged her and I didn't believe her... but I also trusted in my dreams, I believed that God had a dream for us, I trusted in God despite the circumstances and even despite the evidence... My name is Joseph and who are you?

What are the persons you trust?

6th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"



Oooh, here we are with the classic contempt: they are animals... what do they know? They don't know anything, they have no feelings... and a long etc. in which human empathy is conspicuous by its absence. The truth is that we can proudly say what an important role we animals have... Remember that we were created before you... and if not, let's look at Genesis...

The idea was basically that you would take care of us, you would be in charge of the creation so that everything would work "well"... I don't know, are you doing it right? We are aware of our place, our role in the cycle, our role for others... but... I don't know if you humans are quite aware of all this...

That Jesus made it clear... he wanted to be born in the place where we live... he came triumphantly into Jerusalem on the lowly animal... he didn't enslave us, he put us at the mercy of the Lord… he put us at the service of the Gospel and dignified us with his constant winks to make us participants in his message...

Although, as usual, you are so fond of the limelight... we are aware of our place in history and of our role... We know we were not the most important... but you know what the master said... "Whoever wants to be the most important of you... let him be the servant of all". We are the animals (donkey, mule and ox) and who are you?

Have you felt the presence of God in the acts of service you have done?

Virtud nazarena: Solidaridad



Solidaridad más fraternidad = comunión.

Mantener siempre atentos los oídos al grito de dolor de los demás y escuchar su llamada de socorro, es Solidaridad.

Mantener la mirada siempre alerta y los ojos tendidos sobre el mar en busca de algún náufrago en peligro, es Solidaridad.

Sentir como algo propio el sufrimiento del hermano de aquí y del de allá hacer propia la angustia de los pobres, es Solidaridad.

Llegar a ser la voz de los humildes, descubrir la injusticia y la maldad, denunciar al injusto y al malvado, es Solidaridad.

Dejarse transportar por un mensaje cargado de esperanza, amor y paz, hasta apretar la mano del hermano, es Solidaridad.

Convertirse uno mismo en mensajero del abrazo sincero y fraternal que unos pueblos envían a otros pueblos, es Solidaridad.

Compartir los peligros en la lucha por vivir en justicia y libertad arriesgando, en amor hasta la vida, es Solidaridad.

Entregar por amor hasta la vida es la prueba mayor de la amistad, es vivir y morir con Jesucristo, es Solidaridad. 


5th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"



To say in my favour is that it was all busy... Like them, thousands of people had previously come with the same or worse circumstances... I can't say yes to everyone, doesn't that happen to you? Aren't there times when you can't say yes to everyone? It's true that they inspired me a lot of tenderness... and you could even say that I felt very sorry for them. But as I say, there was no room. That day I was busy with a thousand things... I couldn't stop to attend to the requests of someone to whom I couldn't give service. Haven't you sometimes had more important things to do than to attend to Jesus?

The life of an innkeeper is hard... Always on duty, always making sure that everything is perfect... always ready to attend to the requests of the clients. The hustle and bustle is non-stop, there is little time to stop, he will think about enjoying himself, share... You can't get too involved in the lives of others because the reality is that everyone here is just passing through... Some come and some go... You can't involve your feelings in your work... otherwise you'll end up in a bad way. You have to keep your manners, your head up and above all not get personally involved, I'm overwhelmed when I hear stories and dramas... and if I get involved with each one I don't live!

The truth is that I did what I could with what I had, they should be happy that I got them a place... We do what we can with the way things are... I am Andrew the Innkeeper and who are you?

Does the suffering of the others affect you? When it was the last time you feel compassion for someone?

4th Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"


What madness the three of us got ourselves into! The truth is that we didn't really agree on how to approach that event, setting out on the road was the most difficult thing, we each had our own opinion, and on the other hand there was the question of what we had to take with us...

We didn't leave empty-handed, in fact you could say that we were carrying too much... on the way we had to get rid of a lot of things because otherwise we wouldn't get there in time. It's true that many things were important, but so important that we didn't make it to our appointment with destiny/history... GOD!

Of course the road wasn't easy, as you know, leaving the comfort zone... (but what are we going to tell you? Being Christians you must have overcome that, right?)

There were many moments of doubt and the signs were not always so obvious. The desert has something very curious and that is that it connects you with that side of smallness next to that immensity so big and at the same time it makes you feel unique in that eternity of sand. 

I think it can be said that each of the three of us connected with ourselves... that there was a personal process in what we were all living... But it was also nice to share the path in company... What's more, I dare say that, although the decisions of each one were personal, if we hadn't shared the path we wouldn't have got so far (we each contributed the best of ourselves and our knowledge at the service of the other... something similar to what you experience in your communities and groups, right?) We are the Magi... and who are you?

Who is going along with you in the way to searching for God´s will?

3rd Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"


The truth is that the story of those Magi caught me totally off guard... A king? In my territory? Is someone trying to dethrone me? I was meticulous, I informed myself about every detail and well, I became a great connoisseur of history, of the readings, I went to the prophecies, I scrutinised what the Magi told me, I even pretended to be a follower of the future Messiah...

The things they said were beautiful, sometimes I even doubted if all that wasn't true, a very beautiful story... But in the end, like all stories, something idyllic, disturbing and even dangerous. Imagine what they would have said from Rome, if they found out what I had allowed, if they found out that I was an accomplice, if they found out that I knew and had knowledge of that extra-ordinary event.

It would have been a massacre for all my people and of course for me. You can call me selfish and think that I am the bad guy... but what about you? What do you do with that beautiful message that you come across? What sacrifices do others have to make in order to lead the lifestyle you have? At least I am aware of what I did and why.

Perhaps you are not even aware of your complicity in inequality, in the deaths of your fellow human beings and their sacrifices. You may believe that you can do nothing in the world order... but it is an excuse as I used a thousand and one to justify it. I am Herod, the evil one, the murderer of children, the one who sacrificed a whole generation for the greater good... but who are you?

What sacrifices are you ready to do for others good?

2nd Day Christmas novena "Look for your star"


Wow, it was amazing, a guy came from heaven... he came out of nowhere... what a scare! We were... well, we were there like every night having some wine, warming ourselves by the fire, telling some jokes and making up stories... and I'm telling you, that guy came out of nowhere... He was incredible, super clean... with spectacular clothes and what a voice... it was like powerful and so on...

Well, the thing is... I'm going to get to the point, I'm getting long winded. He tells us that the son of God has been born... in Bethlehem... that his name was going to be a certain Jesus and that well, a lot of peace and so on for everyone... and suddenly he leaves. Imagine our faces... finally, Salva, who is the most outspoken, blurted out the comment... whose wine is it?

I promise not to drink anymore... but if you want to know what really made us go to see that was when Jorge took the floor. It turns out that Jorge never drinks... Jorge never speaks... Jorge is the oldest and most serious guy in the group... And he says... gentlemen... we have to go to Betlehem...

Well, I don't know what surprised us more, the vision of that being from another planet or Jorge speaking... the fact is that we went... I have to confess that it was more out of curiosity than conviction... What's more, I was sure that it was all an illusion... I was sure that nothing was going to be like what we had been told...

On the way we talked and imagined, some even laughed and talked about the possibility of becoming rich by going to see the Son of God... that he would give us each a palace... And when we arrived we found the situation... a young girl, an elderly man... a mule... an ox... and a child in a manger... really?

That guy had taken us for a ride, hadn't he? That one? The son of God? Well, the thing is that I didn't believe it... immediately... I was about to turn around and then I felt him... leaving the place... I don't know, it left an emptiness in my heart... I don't know why, but I felt happy to be in the presence of that simple family...

To this day I don't know if it was the Son of God or not... but I do know what I felt in their presence... and it was the peace that the man who gave us the scare wished us so much. My name is Jesse the deputy chief shepherd... And who are you?

What makes you happy in the presence of God?

1st Day Christmas novena "Look for your star".


Good morning, I am the angel Gabriel, God entrusted me with the task of announcing the birth of his son to his favourite work of creation. At first I didn't really agree, the truth is... what's the point? Isn't he God? Is he going to be easily recognised?

Besides, I've never really liked humans... They don't understand anything, you have to explain things to them a thousand times... On top of that, whenever one of my brothers or I show up we have to reassure them because they get scared easily... 

Anyway, the thing is, I was reluctant, but finally I did it... I put on my best clothes... and it seems that some of the shepherds were quite shocked by what I was telling them, I was surprised to see how their faces changed... To be honest, I didn't really understand what I was doing... It was a bit like when I appeared to that little girl called Mary... I don't know, they seemed so little...

The thing is that with time I have been thinking why the boss, the almighty, the king of kings, the alpha and the omega... oops, sorry; I'll stop now, it's the habit... Anyway, I was very surprised by that apparently simple mission but... although it was hard to see it, I think I understood something... It wasn't just the message... but how it changed me...

I understood something about your lives, your options and decisions... but above all I understood that even the simplest task can change lives, that even the most obvious announcement heals hearts, but above all I understood that when you waste time, as I did in making excuses for accepting God's vocation, the only thing you lose is the happiness of that gift that God has left for you... I made some excuse... my name is angel Gabriel... and who are you? 

What have you understood regarding your vocation?

Nazarene virtue: Sincerity



One of the most important qualities that a person can posses is sincerity. It is the ability to be true to oneself and one’s beliefs. Sincerity is key in any relationship because it allows for trust to be built and confidence to be conveyed. 

As we in a season of Advent contemplating and waiting for the messiah to be born again in our hearts. Let us talk about the sincerity of Mary and Joseph. God, the Father has chosen as a mother of his own loving son by seeing the righteousness and sincerity of her. God helped her perplexity by the very words of God through the angel “Do not be afraid, Mary, For you have found favor with God.”  

Let’s look into Joseph, knowing that Mary was pregnant, he did not know what to do, he was in anxiety, dilemma. He was just and did not want to divorce her, decided to dismiss her in secret (Mt 1:19). There comes the God’s intervention, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said to him “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife, with you, because what is conceived in her comes from the Holy Spirit…” (Mt 1:20). The Lord rewards the righteousness and sincerity of Joseph who did not seek himself or his interests, but wondered what was God’s will and the greatest good for Mary Most Holy. He was praying, reflecting, pondering in the light of faith.

This means we need to cultivate the virtue of Sincerity and Trust in one’s vocation. Whether it is in marriage, single life, or religious life. We need to be sincere to the vocation that God has given. When you fall in love with your vocation, the natural thing to do is give yourself to it. That’s what I think. It’s just a form of sincerity. 

The problems comes in our family and community life. In that tough times we need to be sincere to the promises we made. Then God will communicate us like he communicated to Mary and Joseph: “Do not be afraid to take face your problems, I am with you always.”

"Insincerity is always weakness; sincerity even in error is strength". George Henry Lewes

Virtud nazarena: Silencio


 “Todo lo definitivo lleva el sello del silencio

que abre espacios de libertad, disponibilidad, receptividad.”


San José se caracterizó por su silencio.  La vida de San José fue una vida de oración y silencio permaneciendo de este modo en diálogo con Dio. Trabajador y honesto para mantener a su familia. Padre y esposo, supo responder con fidelidad el cumplimiento de sus deberes, en un constante y silencioso servicio. El Papa Benedicto dijo «dejémonos invadir por el silencio de San José”, el ruido nos impide escuchar o percibir las grandes verdades de la vida.

María es el paradigma del “silencio” de Dios, más misteriosamente silencioso y gratuito cuanto más íntimamente sentido. En la historia de la salvación, ella es “la gran silenciosa” en los textos sagrados; y lo es, además, por su plenitud espiritual y su directa vinculación con el misterio. Cuando decimos “silencio de María”, queremos decir profundidad, plenitud, fecundidad, dominio de sí misma, madurez humana, y lo que lo sintetiza todo: humildad y fidelidad”.

Nosotros, Familia Sa-Fa hoy¿Estamos dispuestos a ejemplo de María y José en Nazaret; a un silencio respetuoso y puesto al servicio de la escucha? ¿Ese silencio que ayuda a tener una mirada hacia dentro para meditar y conocer la voluntad de Dios?

Nazarene virtue: Service


The virtue of service.

Service is one of the noblest act. It is now slowly fading away in the young generations. Holy Family teaches to every one the act of service. Each one individually and collectively shows to this world the virtue of service. 

In this world service also valued by money. In Nazarene view service is the value to give to everyone.

The best example of the service of authority is Jesus who washed the feet of his disciples. Mary did service to Elizabeth voluntarily. Joseph himself served to Mary and Jesus. 

Action: Let us do service to the whole world by loving and caring for each person. A service without selfish expectation.

Virtud nazarena: Sencillez

“Permaneced sencillos, cuanto más sencillos seáis, mayor bien haréis” 

Estas son las palabras que el Santo Cura repetía con frecuencia a los Hermanos en Ars. Es una invitación para todos los miembros de la Familia Sa-Fa a vivir esta virtud nazarena. Las siguientes frases nos pueden ayudar a encarnarla en nuestra vida diaria.

“Que su humildad profunda, su sencillez, su confianza en el plan de Dios, su caridad llenen tu vida” (Prólogo a las Constituciones)


“En la casa de Nazaret había una alegría limpia. Era la alegría cotidiana y transparente de la sencillez, la alegría que siente quien custodia lo que es importante: la cercanía fiel a Dios y al prójimo” (Papa Francisco)


“Estoy seguro que en este difícil y confuso pero provisorio momento que vivimos, las soluciones para los problemas complejos que nos desafían nacen de la sencillez cristiana que se esconde a los poderosos y se muestra a los humildes: la limpieza de la fe en el Resucitado, el calor de la comunión con Él, la fraternidad, la generosidad y la solidaridad concreta que también brota de la amistad con Él”. (Papa Francisco, visita a Colombia Septiembre 2017)

Nazarene virtue: Respect


Respect is a broad term. Experts interpret it in different ways. Generally speaking, it is a positive feeling or action expressed towards something. Furthermore, it could also refer to something held in high esteem or regard. Showing respect is a sign of ethical behavior.

Unfortunately, in the contemporary era, there has been undermining of the value of respect. Most noteworthy, there are several essential aspects of respect. These aspects are self-respect, respect for others, respect for life, respect for women, nation, religion, nature, etc.

I consider self-respect must be regarded highly and must be thought to others. Because self-respect is the foundation of a healthy relationship. It can be a healthy relationship with oneself, with nature, with others, etc. once a man masters ones self-respect, he definitely respect the other aspect.

We all know what is happing around us. So much violence, distraction, fear, tragedy, calamities. Why all these happening? Because man forgot respect himself, others and nature.

Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. Due to man’s selfishness or political power man is playing with the lives of the humans. These days we are losing our respect for human life mercilessly and destroying humanity officially as violence turn out to be the only option of all political problems.

This is what happened after the birth of Jesus Christ because of the political power the king said to child all the male children under a particular age. It continues in a similar way for one’s selfish desire others put into trouble.

Therefore, harming human life is becoming the fashion nowadays and thus, what is bad becomes the new good. It doesn’t have to be this way. However, it is achievable to turn away from violence and build communities of greater peace and equity.

It just begins with a clear and understandable conviction: respect for life. Respect for life is not just a printed motto or a slogan; it is a fundamental moral principle flowing from our human teachings on the dignity of the human person. It is an advance to life that values people over things and own territories.

One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person’s point of view is an excellent way of respect. It will give solution to all the problems. So, let’s listen and speak and live a healthy life.

Respect for ourselves guides our morals,

Respect for others guides our manners.

Virtud nazarena: Renuncia


…porque pensamos que dejamos, que perdemos…

Pero para el cristiano la renuncia es algo fundamental, que nace del mismo Evangelio y que permite abrirnos a la experiencia maravillosa de la misericordia recibida y compartida. Jesús mismo dijo a sus discípulos: “Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz y sígame. Porque quien quiera salvar su vida, la perderá, pero quien pierda su vida por mí, la encontrará” (Mt 16,24 25).

Negarse a sí mismo es quizá la tarea más difícil que puede existir. Es, muy de seguro, la más larga y, sin duda, la más dura. Nada más y nada menos que en negarme a mí mismo consiste el seguirte, Señor.

Y entiéndase: seguir a Dios no consiste en hacer siempre lo que no quiero, sino “en querer siempre lo que Dios quiere para mí”. Es verdad que aquí me topo con un gran problema, ¿qué quiere Dios?

Y aquí vamos a Nazaret:

- María: San Lucas, en el capítulo 1 de su Evangelio, traza algunas características del asentimiento de la Virgen. Un Fiat progresivo, en el que el primer paso es la escucha de la palabra. 

Todas las páginas de su vida, las claras y las oscuras, las conocidas y las ocultas, serán un homenaje de amor a Dios: un ‘sí’ pronunciado en Nazaret y sostenido hasta el Calvario. 

El Fiat de María es generoso. No sólo porque lo sostuvo durante toda su vida, sino también por la intensidad de cada momento, por la disponibilidad para hacer lo que Dios le pedía a cada instante.


José: Vemos en su persona como siempre estaba oyente a la voz de Dios; en cada circunstancia de su vida se ve la respuesta dirigida hacia la voluntad de Dios.

Acoge a María como le dice el ángel, deja a un lado sus propios razonamientos y asume lo que se le dice, enseñándonos a acoger lo que se nos da en nuestra propia vida, aunque no comprendamos.

José se entregó completamente a esta misión que le fue encomendaba y puso su vida al servicio de ello. Aceptó todo por amor. Vemos como al igual que María, en cada circunstancia de la vida de José pronuncia también su «FIAT».

En la Familia Safa hoy:

Renuncia es negarme a mí mismo/a, que no significa perseguir todo cuanto tenga nombre de tristeza, sino todo cuanto tenga nombre de felicidad. Aun cuando suponga renunciar a mis deseos, pero también cuando los implique: porque, nuevamente, todo consistirá en buscar siempre querer lo que quiere Dios para mí.

«La dirección que Jesús indica es de sentido único: salir de nosotros mismos. Es un viaje sin billete de vuelta. Se trata de emprender un éxodo de nuestro yo, de perder la vida por él, siguiendo el camino de la entrega de sí mismo. Por otro lado, a Jesús no le gustan los recorridos a mitad, las puertas entreabiertas, las vidas de doble vía. Pide ponerse en camino ligeros, salir renunciando a las propias seguridades, anclados únicamente en él.» (Homilía de S.S. Francisco, 30 de julio de 2016).

Nazarene virtue: Responsibility

In human history many changes happened. One of them is the development of society. Everyone is responsible for it. Because it is a collective not of an individual. Many times we forgot to do collective responsibility. 

Holy Family the model for virtue of Responsibility. Who lived with the collective responsibility. When Jesus was found in the temple at twelve years old he wanted himself to do his responsibility. Mary and Joseph found Jesus and went back to Nazareth where Jesus grew collectively Responsible. 

As Christian we need to grow in this virtue as four ways:

1. Social Responsibility

2.Spiritual Responsibility

3. Collective Responsibility and 

4. Individual Responsibility

All we need to practice this virtue of Responsibility in Nazarene view.

Virtud Nazarena: Prudencia

La prudencia es una de las virtudes más importantes que puede tener un ser humano. Una virtud es una cualidad positiva que ayuda a tener una vida mejor. La prudencia es la capacidad que tiene una persona de tomarse su tiempo para juzgar una realidad o para conocer a una persona tal y como es. La prudencia es la sabiduría de reflexionar para tomar decisiones de forma óptima. 

El hombre prudente es aquel que busca el bien en sus acciones de acuerdo al criterio de la justicia. Es decir, tiene la sabiduría necesaria para hacer lo correcto de acuerdo a las normas que diferencian el bien del mal. 

El valor de la prudencia es fundamental en una vida plenamente consciente porque la persona prudente es aquella que reflexiona sobre las consecuencias de sus actos antes de realizarlos. 

¿Cómo entrenar la virtud de la prudencia? 

1. En primer lugar, utilizando la razón como luz sobre los sentimientos y el corazón. Tómate tu tiempo para deliberar sobre decisiones importantes y no actúes por puro impulso. 

2. La prudencia también se adquiere a través de la madurez de la experiencia y de la sabiduría que aportan los años.  

3. Analiza un hecho concreto desde distintos puntos de vista para tener una visión global y no parcial de la realidad. 

4. La prudencia también se cultiva en las relaciones personales. En este sentido, evita las preguntas indiscretas ante otra persona y respeta la intimidad de los demás. 

5. La prisa y la prudencia no son buenas consejeras porque vivir con sabiduría implica tomarte tu tiempo y tu ritmo para reflexionar sobre la realidad en profundidad. 

6. Hazte preguntas a ti mismo para establecer un diálogo interior que te permita alcanzar la verdad de las cosas. 

7. Busca el consejo de un mentor, es decir, de una persona con experiencia y sabiduría que puede asesorarte con su experiencia vital. Es un gesto de humildad pedir ayuda.